Academic Details

Papers and Publications


"Steady March Towards Greatness? Tracing the Evolution of Canada’s International Position,’ Canadian Foreign Policy JournalVol 22, Issue 3 (October 3, 2016), p228-248.


Review: Canada and the Great Power Game, 1914-2014,” ON TRACK, (Summer 2015), p54-55.


"Primus Inter Pares?  The Military Under Harper in Historical Perspective," Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, Vol 21, Issue 2 (February 2015), p188-92.


“Blogging Under Behemoth: Does Communication Technology Make African Politics More Competitive?”  In Lloyd G. Adu Amoah (ed), Impacts of the Knowledge Society on Economic and Social Growth in Africa, (IGI Global, 2014), p88-111.


"The China Challenge: Sino-Canadian Relations in the 21st Century, edited by Huhua Cao and Vivenne Poy - Review," Canadian Naval Review, Volume 9, Issue 9 (Summer 2013): 43-44.   


"China: A Satiated Power?," Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada's International Security Research and Outreach Programme, (Spring 2013).


Wearing Away the Stone: Assessing Theories of Combat Attrition,” Comparative Strategy, (Winter 2013).


"At Home and Abroad, by Patrick Lennox - Review," International Journal, (Fall 2012).


Sean Clark and Sabrina Hoque (eds), Debating a Post-American World, (New York: Routledge, 2012).


Beware the Iron Grip?: Exploring the Relationship Between Leader Endurance, Political Sclerosis, and National Poverty” (draft).  (Book chapter, forthcoming, summer 2012).


Wanted, Theories of Victory,” SITREP – The Journal of Opinion of the Royal Canadian Military Institute.  (March-April 2012, Vol 72, No. 2).


In the Dreadnought’s Shadow: Comparing China’s Rise with the Anglo-German Naval Arms Race.”  Canadian Naval Review.  (Fall 2011).


To Whom Go the Spoils?  Explaining 4,000 Years of Battlefield Victory and Defeat.”  PhD Dissertation.  August, 2011.  See also accompanying dissertation slides.


A Matter of Preference: Preference Ordering, Red Teaming, & the Need for Cultural Awareness.”  Paper commissioned by the project on Red Teaming, Red Cells and Analytical Decision Support, part of the Centre for Security, Armed Forces and Society (CSAS) of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC).  (March, 2011).


Deadly Decay: Examining the Relationship Between Relative Great Power Decline & Cataclysmic War,” International Journal, 65 (Spring 2010): 475-94.


The New Geopolitics,” in Sabrina Hoque (ed), Geopolitics vs. Global Governance: Reinterpreting International Security, (Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, 2010).


Revealing Clio’s Secrets: The Case for Macromeasurement,” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, (Volume 4, Issue 8: 2009), p.101-114.


Future Imperfect?  The Prospects for Convergence, Divergence, and Empire’s Return.”  Published in David S. McDonough (ed), US Nuclear Strategy and The Implications for Global Security, (Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, 2009).


The Morning After: Canada and the Post-Afghanistan World,” Canadian Naval Review, Volume 4, Number 3 (Fall 2008).


Maritime Strategy for the 21st Century,” Frontline, Volume 5, Issue 4, 2008.


Afghanistan and the Paradox of Moral Imperialism.”  Published in Anita Singh and David S. McDonough (eds), From Defence to Development: Resolving Threats to Global Security, (Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, 2007). 


Determining Trajectory: Defining the Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Debate.”  Journal of Military and Strategic Studies.  Fall 2003 (Vol. 6, Issue 2).



Conference papers 


Twitter At the Gates: Social Media, Leadership, & Revolutionary Theory” (draft).  International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention.  San Diego, 2012.  See also the accompanying presentation slides.


“The Myth of the Blank Slate.”  International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention.  New Orleans, 2010.


Colossus Returns: Chinese Growth and 21st Century Resource Demand.”  ‘Biennial New Scholars Conference.’ November, 2009.  Ottawa, Ontario.


To Whom Go the Spoils? Exploring 4,000 Years of Victory & Defeat.”  Presented at the 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.  July 2009.  Athens, Greece.


A Re-Orientation: The Return of the Asian Powers.” Presented at the 7th Annual REGIS Graduate Student Conference.  April, 2009.  Montreal, QC.


“Future Imperfect?  The Prospects for Convergence, Divergence, and Empire’s Return.”  Presented at the American Nuclear Strategy and the Implications to Global Security workshop.  May, 2008.  Halifax, NS.  


“Afghanistan and the Paradox of Moral Imperialism.”  Presented at the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS) 2007 International Conference.  September 29, 2008.  Calgary, Alberta.


“When Prometheus Falls: Managing Relative US Hegemonic Decline.”  Presented at the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) 2007 Conference, International Relations Section.  May 29-31, 2007.  University of Saskatchewan.


“Afghanistan and the Paradox of Moral Imperialism.”  Presented at the Dalhousie Graduate Society of Political Science, 2007 Conference: “Resolving Threats to Global Security.”  March 16-17, 2007.  Halifax Westin.


“Answering Tolstoy’s Question: Realists Explanations of the Rise and Fall of Nations.”  Presented at the Dalhousie Department of Political Science, “POLI 5520 Mini-Conference in International Relations Theory.”  February 27, 2007.  University Hall, Dalhousie University.


“Seized by Horror: The Illogic of Emotional Response.”  Presented at the CDAI Graduate Symposium: “Security and Defence: National and International Issues.”  October, 2006.  Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario. 



Panel chairs & Discussants


Keynote Speaker, "The Rise of the Rest?  Opportunities and Implications".  7th Annual Dalhousie Political Science Graduate Students Symposium.  Halifax, 2012.


Panel Co-Chair (with Sabrina Hoque), “What Lies Ahead?: Debating the Prospects for a ‘Post-American World.’  International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention.  Montreal, QC.  March 18, 2011.


Panel Chair, “International Relations: Theory and Practice,” International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention.  New Orleans, LA.  February 18, 2010.


Panel Discussant, “The New Geopolitics.”  2009 Dalhousie Graduate Students’ Symposium.  Halifax, NS.  March 5, 2009. 


Respondent, Douglas Ross, “U.S. Nuclear Strategy”, Canadian International Council (CIC) Nuclear Working Group, University of Kings College, May 23, 2008.


Panel Chair, “Counter-Terrorism: Present Trends, Coming Decades, and the North American Perspective.”  ACSUS 19th Biennial.  November 15, 2007.


International Relations and Defense Panel Co-Chair, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS), 19th Biennial Conference.  November 14-18, 2007.  Toronto, ON. 



Academic awards and distinctions


Bruce S. Oland Essay Competition winner.  2011.


International Award for Excellence (Best Paper, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Area of interdisciplinary social sciences).  2010.


Geoffrey Weller Memorial Prize (Best CASIS Graduate Paper).  2007.


“Expansion of NATO’s Operation in Afghanistan,” NATO Essay Contest winner.  2007.


International Studies Program Convocation Medal, University of Saskatchewan.  2003.



Grants and scholarships


International Security Research and Outreach Programme (ISROP) grant; DFAIT.


Bruce S. Oland Essay Competition winner; CFPS.


President’s Award, Dalhousie University.


SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship.


Dr. James Orbinski Fellowship co-winner, Munk Centre.


SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's.


As Prime Minister Essay Contest semi-finalist; Magna Fair Enterprise Institute.


Saskatchewan Association of Masters Swimming Coaching Grant.     


Harry Bailey Coaching Scholarship; Swim Saskatchewan.